ALOR: Adaptive Layout Optimization of Raft Groups for Heterogeneous Distributed Key-Value Stores [NPC '18]

Authors: Yangyang Wang, Yunpeng Chai, Xin Wang

Publication Date: 2018/11/29


Many distributed key-value storage systems employ the simple and effective Raft protocol to ensure data consistency. They usually assume a homogeneous node hardware configuration for the underlying cluster and thus adopt even data distribution schemes. However, today’s distributed systems tend to be heterogeneous in nodes’ I/O devices due to the regular worn I/O device replacement and the emergence of expensive new storage media (e.g., non-volatile memory). In this paper, we propose a new data layout scheme called Adaptive Layout Optimization of Raft groups (ALOR), considering the hardware heterogeneity of the cluster. ALOR aims to optimize the data layout of Raft groups to achieve a better practical load balance, which leads to higher performance. ALOR consists of two components: leader migration in Raft groups and skewed data layout based on cold data migration. We conducted experiments on a practical heterogeneous cluster, and the results indicate that, on average, ALOR improves throughput by 36.89%, reduces latency and 99th percentile tail latency by 24.54% and 21.32%, respectively.

Published in: IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing 2018