More Space may be Cheaper: Multi-Dimensional Resource Allocation for NVM-based Cloud Cache [ICCD '20]

Authors: Ning Bao, Yunpeng Chai, Yuxuan Zhang, Chuanwen Wang, Dafang Zhang

Publication Date: 2020/10/18


Cloud cache has been crucial to promoting the performance of I/O intensive applications. Due to the capacity and cost advantages over DRAM, NVM has been gradually utilized in cloud cache. However, NVM usually has limited write endurance, resulting in a frequent device replacement and a high cost. Cloud cache also needs to ensure Service-Level Agreement (SLA) such as an enough cache capacity, but there are few existing approaches that deal with the NVM writing problem without breaking SLA. Therefore, we propose a new SLA-aware cloud cache framework called MECC to extend the NVM lifetimes and thus reduce the total system cost with performance ensurance. Through dynamically allocating the two kinds of resources, i.e., NVM cache space and cache updating quota, to tenants according to their characteristics, MECC achieves the same performance for all tenants with a 56.3% cost reduction on average.

Published in:  2020 IEEE 38th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD)

DOI: 10.1109/ICCD50377.2020.00100