Larger, Cheaper, but Faster: SSD-SMR Hybrid Storage Boosted by a New SMR-oriented Cache Algorithm [MSST '17]

Authors: Chunling Wang, Dandan Wang, Yupeng Chai, Chuanwen Wang, Diansen Sun

Publication Date: 2017/5


By utilizing the new Shingled Magnetic Recording (SMR) technique, the emerging SMR disks achieve higher storage density and lower costs. Together with Flash-based SSDs, SMR disks can be used to construct a new hybrid storage system that is larger, but cheaper than the widely used conventional diskbased storage systems. It is appropriate for the fast growing big data applications which have strict requirements on both capacity and cost, eg, the scientific computing in the fields of meteorology and astronomy. However, the most serious challenge of the SSD-SMR hybrid storage lies in its weak fine-grained random write performance caused by the write amplification in SMR disks, especially when I/Os are spread randomly across the Logical Block Address (LBA) range of the entire disk. Traditional cache algorithms like LRU usually lead to tens of or even hundreds of times more data written into magnetic plates than the original requests, thus resulting in poor I/O performance, because they do not consider and limit the LBA distribution of the eviction victims at all. Therefore, the cache algorithms for SSD-SMR hybrid storage systems should take this new dimension into account except for the data popularity. In this paper, we propose a new SMR-oriented cache framework, ie, Partially Open Region for Eviction (PORE), which restricts the LBA range of evicted data from SSD caches appropriately to promote the overall performance of the hybrid storage by making a better tradeoff between the cached data popularity and the SMR write amplification. The experiments based on real-world traces reveal that PORE can boost the SSD-SMR hybrid storage performance by a factor of 3.26 ∼ 10.2 with only a 2% SSD cache compared with a conventional disk-based storage on average, while the hybrid storage coupled with LRU is slower than the conventional storage sometimes. PORE makes the hybrid storage much faster than traditional storage besides the advantages on capacity and cost. 

Published in: Proc. IEEE Symp. Mass Storage Syst. Technol.(MSST)